Esports team sets sights on spring semester posteseason this week

Esports team sets sights on spring semester posteseason this week

April 12, 2023 - The Kishwaukee College Esports team heard back from the seeding committee at NJCAAE and will compete this week in the postseason in the following titles:


Smash Bros Ultimate - Thursday, April 13 for Antonio Suarez

Call of Duty Gunfight - Friday, April 14 for Katrina Ingalls and Aaron Olson

MarioKart 8 - Friday, April 14 for Antonio Suarez


Playoff are mutliple contests in each title as a "win and move on" format on designated day of play above.  This is the first time in Kishwaukee Esports' three year history of qualifying multiple athletes in multiple games in a semester and Kish Athletics and Kishwaukee College is look forward to the student athlete playoff results.